Category Archives: Minisrty

Watchtower Study – June 30, 2024 – How to Have More Joy in the Ministry

In this video I show how JW’s are not permitted to have a true Bible ministry.

Posted in Channel of truth, Mind Control, Minisrty, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – Sunday February 11, 2024 – Baptism… is… now saving you

In this video we contrast the Watchtower’s view of being baptized to what the Bible says.

Posted in Baptism, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Governing Body, Minisrty, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment Update

Just a brief update to let you know what is happening on my end.

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November 5, 2023 – Brief Update –

Some have been concerned that I may stop making videos to help JW’s. This personal message is to help people to know what has been going on recently and to assure them that my intention is to keep these videos … Continue reading

Posted in Minisrty, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – March 12, 2023 – Be Transformed By Making Your Mind Over

In this video I am specifically addressing young Jehovah’s Witnesses that have JW parents who want them to serve the organization. This video is particularly for those who are torn between getting an education and pursuing a successful job and/or … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Freedom, Hypocrisy, Mind Control, Minisrty, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Analyzing The Watchtower Study Article for June 26, 2022

In this video we will expose some of the techniques the JW organization uses in the April 2022 Watchtower to mislead, indoctrinate and control the minds of rank and file Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Jesus,, Mind Control, Minisrty, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Tagged | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – April 2, 2022 – View The Fields, That They Are White For Harvesting

In this video we analyze why the governing body’s view of the preaching work is distorted according to their own teachings.

Posted in Daily Text, end of world, Freedom, Hypocrisy, Jesus, Minisrty, Uncategorized, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses VS Christian Persecution

The Watchtower organization seemingly boasts about the Jehovah’s Witnesses being persecuted for their beliefs. When the organization publishes information or videos about these things are they being completely honest? Or could there possibly be some embellishing of things to stir … Continue reading

Posted in Breaking news, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, Minisrty, Persecution, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – January 2, 2022 – Do Not Give Up!

This is an overview of the Watchtower study article for Sunday, January 2, 2022 which is entitled, “Do Not Give Up!”

Posted in Channel of truth, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Minisrty, The truth, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Welcome To Your Bible Study… Really?

In this video we will take a careful look at the slick marketing techniques of the Watchtower organization as they try to sell people on having a “Bible” study with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Channel of truth, Governing Body, JW broadcasting, Mind Control, Minisrty, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Counting Your Time and Watchtower’s Money

This video shows how the governing body uses some of the Watchtower’s funds (actually your funds) and also takes a very brief look at the 2020 year end service report.

Posted in Governing Body, JW broadcasting,, Minisrty, Organization, Propaganda, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Tagged | 1 Comment

Cart Witnessing

If you are a Jehovah’s Witness, have you shared in cart witnessing? In this video we will look at what seems to be a common denominator among those who do cart witnessing. For those who witness to JW’s, we share … Continue reading

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