Category Archives: shunning

What Does Have To Offer?

A viewer sent me a question with some bold statements about boasting about things the organization has to offer which nobody else can match. Is this true? In this video I answer his statements and question point by point.

Posted in Channel of truth, Freedom, Hypocrisy,, Mind Control, New World Translation, shunning, video, Watchtower | Leave a comment

2024 Governing Body Update #2

This is a brief review of more organizational changes!

Posted in Channel of truth, disfellowship, governing body update, JW broadcasting, Mind Control, New light, shunning, video, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – December 24, 2023 – “He Will Make You Strong”​—How?

In this video we see more Watchtower hypocrisy revealed and I share a friend’s personal testimony.

Posted in disfellowship, Elders, faithful discreet slave,, Mind Control, shunning, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Organizational Peer Pressure, Does It Affect You?

Within the Jehovah’s Witness organization there is tremendous pressure to follow along with the “arrangement” no matter what. In this video I share a personal testimony which occurred early in my service as a Ministerial Servant. This event had a … Continue reading

Posted in Confession, disfellowship, Elders, Freedom, Mind Control, obedience, Organization, Prayer, shunning | Leave a comment

Does “The Truth” Set Jehovah’s Witnesses Free?

What is your freedom worth to you? In this video I share a few of my personal thoughts about this topic. I also contrast Jesus’ words to what Jehovah’s Witnesses have been taught and/or told to think.

Posted in Channel of truth, death, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Organization, shunning, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Jehovah’s Witnesses and Disfellowshipping. Is The Watchtower In Apostasy?

This videos shows what the Watchtower organization once taught Jehovah’s Witnesses about disfellowshipping and how it is a teaching with deep roots in paganism!

Posted in Apostasy, disfellowship, Organization, shunning, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Is It Wrong To Change Your Religion? What Does JW.ORG Say?

Is it wrong to change your religion? This was the title of an article in the July 2009 Awake! You may be surprised at what this article has to say regarding this topic.

Posted in Apostasy, disfellowship, Hypocrisy, Jehovah,, Mind Control, shunning, Watchtower | Leave a comment