Category Archives: New light

Please Forgive My Mistake. Here’s The Correction…

In the previous video I made a mistake. This video corrects my error. By the way, this is not “an adjusted understanding” LOL

Posted in New light, Organization, Understanding the Bible, video, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – March 19, 2024 – Are There Really Two Hopes?

In this video we will see how the Watchtower subtly misleads Jehovah’s Witnesses to believe that Charles Taze Russell believed what the organization teaches today about “two hopes”.

Posted in anointed, C.T. Russell, Charles Taze Russell, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, Memorial, New light, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

2024 Governing Body Update #2

This is a brief review of more organizational changes!

Posted in Channel of truth, disfellowship, governing body update, JW broadcasting, Mind Control, New light, shunning, video, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

How Far Will They Go?

The Watchtower, otherwise known as, has made a few of what some would consider, drastic doctrine and policy changes in 2023. Are more changes coming? Will they have to, “amend” some of the changes they have already made to … Continue reading

Posted in Blood transfusions, brighter light, Channel of truth, disfellowship,, Mind Control, New light, Organization, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Breaking News! – Governing body now approves of beards!

This is an update on the beard policy of the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Breaking news, brighter light, Channel of truth, Elders, faithful discreet slave, Freedom, JW broadcasting,, New light, Uncategorized, video, Watchtower | Leave a comment

“NEW LIGHT!” – Watchtower Study – December 4, 2022 – Bringing the Many to Righteousness

In this video we examine the, “new light” in the study article. We will see once again how the governing body replaces Jesus with themselves. (CORRECTION) at the 14:29 point in the video, the Bible verse is Matthew 28:20. I … Continue reading

Posted in brighter light, Channel of truth, Governing Body,, Mind Control, New light, New Scrolls, Resurrection, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower | Tagged | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – November 27, 2022 – (NEW LIGHT) – Is Your Name In The Book Of Life?

This Watchtower article has what Jehovah’s Witnesses consider, “new light”! In this video we will examine only a couple of the many problems with this study article.

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, Governing Body, Mind Control, New light, New Scrolls, Organization, Propaganda, Resurrection, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment

2021 Annual Meeting Talk, “I Will Never Abandon You”

This is a closer look at a talk given by governing body member Samuel Herd during the 2021 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This talk is entitled, “I Will Never Abandon You”.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, end of this system, end of world, Governing Body, governing body update,, Mind Control, New light, Organization, Resurrection, Return of Jesus, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

2021 Annual Meeting Talk, “The Way of Holiness”

This is a brief review of governing body member David Splane’s talk from the 2021 Annual meeting entitled, “The Way of Holiness”.

Posted in 1914, anointed, Apostasy, C.T. Russell, Channel of truth, Charles Taze Russell, death, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, New light, Watchtower, Witnessing | Tagged | Leave a comment

(Part 3) Is The Watchtower God’s Modern Day Prophet?

1914 is a crucial year to the history and the future of the Watchtower organization and Jehovah’s Witnesses. is trying hard to cover some of their history and heritage. In this video we briefly examine a few things regarding … Continue reading

Posted in 1914, 1975, Apostasy, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, end of world, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body,, New light, Organization, Return of Jesus, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

(Part 2) – Is The Watchtower God’s Modern Day Prophet?

Many who are active Jehovah’s Witnesses today may not be aware of some of the Watchtower statements or “prophecies” which have not come to pass as predicted and taught by the “faithful slave”. This is part 2 in a series … Continue reading

Posted in 1914, 1975, Channel of truth, end of world, God's Prophet, Governing Body, Jesus,, New light, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Is The Watchtower God’s Modern Day Prophet? (Part 1)

Did you know that the Watchtower organization has claimed to be God’s “prophet” in modern times? Most Jehovah’s Witnesses are not aware of this. This is part one of what will be a series of videos to follow, which will … Continue reading

Posted in 1914, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, end of this system, God's Prophet, New light, Organization, The truth, Uncategorized, Witnessing | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

What Is “The Truth” According to the Watchtower?

How does the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses define truth? What is truth? Do Jehovah’s Witnesses have “the truth”? In this video we will look into just a few of the changing “truths” of the Watchtower organization.

Posted in 1914, anointed, Bible Interpretation, brighter light, Channel of truth, Governing Body, New light, Organization, The truth, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Revealing The New Scrolls!

The “new scrolls” have been talked about among Jehovah’s Witnesses for decades. During the 2020 Regional Convention, governing body member Stephen Lett talks about these scrolls. In this video we will compare what Stephen Lett and the Watchtower say with … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Interpretation, JW broadcasting,, New light, New Scrolls, Resurrection, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

The Governing Body Of Jehovah’s Witnesses, What Is Their Future?

In this video we will examine the most recent “understanding” (as of August 3, 2020) of what the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses teaches about their own future. We will examine what the Watchtower says about how the tribulation and … Continue reading

Posted in brighter light, Channel of truth, end of this system, Governing Body,, New light, Organization, Return of Jesus, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible | Tagged , | Leave a comment

The Watchtower, “New Light” and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

In this video we take a look at the “new light” from the April 2020 Watchtower study article 14 entitled, “An Attack Coming From The North!”

Posted in Apostasy, brighter light, Channel of truth,, Mind Control, New light, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible | Tagged , | Leave a comment

What Is Happening To The Watchtower And Jehovah’s Witnesses?

It seems that over the past 10 years or so the Watchtower has been making many changes trying to keep the organization going. In this video I share a few personal thoughts on this topic.

Posted in Channel of truth,, Mind Control, New light, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Tagged , , | Leave a comment