Category Archives: kingdom of God

Watchtower Study – July 21, 2024 – What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments?

In this video we will see how the Watchtower actually believes and illustrates that JW’s will be teaching prophets of old about the Bible.

Posted in Bible Prophecy, Channel of truth, Education,, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – January 14, 2024 – How Jehovah Guarantees His Promise of Paradise

What is the “guarantee” which the Bible mentions? Is it the promise of paradise or something else? In this video we will once again see how / the Watchtower (or governing body) has little to no understanding of what … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Holy spirit, kingdom of God, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – December 31, 2023 – Explore Every Dimension of God’s Word

In this video I expose how the Watchtower organization keeps very tight control upon the rank and file witnesses and at the same time the organization limits the abilities of God and Jesus to work in the lives of Jehovah’s … Continue reading

Posted in Adam & Eve, anointed, Bible Interpretation, brighter light, Commandments, end of this system, end of world, faithful discreet slave, Holy spirit,, kingdom of God, Mediator, Mind Control, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – August 13, 2023 – You Can Reach Your Spiritual Goals

In this video I reveal how the organization, particularly in this Watchtower article, uses corporate marketing terms and corporate “big business” thinking when dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Jehovah, Jesus, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Organization, Propaganda, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study Overview – April 23, 2023 – “Keep Your Senses, Be Watchful!”

Could the Watchtower be setting Jehovah’s Witnesses up for a major doctrinal change? In this video I show a very subtle but significant chart made by the Watchtower organization which could potentially be setting the JW’s up for a major … Continue reading

Posted in 1914, anointed, Bible Interpretation, end of world, kingdom of God, New World Translation, Organization, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Jehovah Is Helping You to Succeed – But Watchtower Doctrine Is Robbing You!

In this video I focus on just one phrase in the Watchtower study article for March 19, 2023 entitled, “Jehovah Is Helping You To Succeed”. This video will point out how the Watchtower organization robs the rank and file JW … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, Channel of truth, Freedom, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Organization, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment