Category Archives: Charles Taze Russell

Examining The Scriptures Daily – March 19, 2024 – Are There Really Two Hopes?

In this video we will see how the Watchtower subtly misleads Jehovah’s Witnesses to believe that Charles Taze Russell believed what the organization teaches today about “two hopes”.

Posted in anointed, C.T. Russell, Charles Taze Russell, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, Memorial, New light, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – July 30, 2023 – Keep Traveling on “the Way of Holiness”

In this video I “recycled” a 2021 video I made which contains a David Splane talk given at the annual meeting for that year. We will examine how Watchtower once again replaces Jesus with the organization and the “faithful slave”. … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, brighter light, C.T. Russell, Channel of truth, Charles Taze Russell, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, Organization, Resurrection, Return of Jesus, video, Watchtower | Leave a comment

2021 Annual Meeting Talk, “The Way of Holiness”

This is a brief review of governing body member David Splane’s talk from the 2021 Annual meeting entitled, “The Way of Holiness”.

Posted in 1914, anointed, Apostasy, C.T. Russell, Channel of truth, Charles Taze Russell, death, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, New light, Watchtower, Witnessing | Tagged | Leave a comment

What’s Going On With The Pyramid Monument?

In this video I will share some breaking news regarding the pyramid monument which is near Charles Taze Russell’s tombstone in Pittsburg Pennsylvania.

Posted in 1914, Breaking news, C.T. Russell, Charles Taze Russell, Pyramid, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment