Category Archives: Witnessing

Please Forgive My Mistake. Here’s The Correction…

In the previous video I made a mistake. This video corrects my error. By the way, this is not “an adjusted understanding” LOL

Posted in New light, Organization, Understanding the Bible, video, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – June 30, 2024 – How to Have More Joy in the Ministry

In this video I show how JW’s are not permitted to have a true Bible ministry.

Posted in Channel of truth, Mind Control, Minisrty, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – June 16, 2024 – “Press On to Maturity”

In this video I reveal a number of major issues and some misleading doctrines of the Watchtower. I also show how the organization is designed to keep you from being “spiritually mature”.

Posted in Apostasy, Baptism, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Hypocrisy,, Mind Control, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – March 31, 2024 – Jehovah Will Help You During Difficult Times

In this Watchtower study review I will reveal how the Jehovah’s Witness organization keeps removing Jesus from their beliefs without the rank and file JW even realizing this is happening.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Jesus, Mediator, Mind Control, Organization, Persecution, The truth, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

2024 Governing Body Update #2

This is a brief review of more organizational changes!

Posted in Channel of truth, disfellowship, governing body update, JW broadcasting, Mind Control, New light, shunning, video, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – March 13, 2024 – True Wisdom Cries Aloud in the Street?

In this video I show how more and more the Watchtower organization, (known as seems to distance themselves, and the rank and file Jehovah’s Witness from Jesus Christ the Son of God.

Posted in Channel of truth,, Organization, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – January 7, 2024 – Cherish Your Privilege to Worship in Jehovah’s Spiritual Temple

This is a brief informal video revealing the absurdity of this article title and its content.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Jehovah, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

In Memory of My Friend – Thank You!

On a personal note I made this video to thank all of you who prayed for my friend.

Posted in death, Prayer, Resurrection, Witnessing | Leave a comment

November 5, 2023 – Brief Update –

Some have been concerned that I may stop making videos to help JW’s. This personal message is to help people to know what has been going on recently and to assure them that my intention is to keep these videos … Continue reading

Posted in Minisrty, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

A Personal, Informal Message to Help Jehovah’s Witnesses

In this informal video I try to help Jehovah’s Witnesses to at least consider getting the help they may need in order to deal with the pain and emotional stress of exiting the organization.

Posted in Channel of truth, disfellowship, Healing,, Mind Control, Organization, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 22, 2023 – Learn From Bible Prophecy

In this informal video we will see how the organization keeps promoting itself and how they subtly suggest that they are the prophet God is using today.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, end of world, God's Prophet,, Mind Control, Prophecy, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 15, 2023 – Learn From Daniel’s Example

In this video we will see how the Watchtower organization uses some of the same tactics the Babylonians used to indoctrinate their captives.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Commandments, Jehovah, Jesus,, Mind Control, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 8, 2023 – Imitate Jehovah​—Be Reasonable

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses through the pages of the Watchtower tells the Jehovah’s Witnesses to be reasonable. In this video we take a look to see if the organization, (aka governing body) is living up to what they … Continue reading

Posted in Channel of truth, end of this system, Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus,, Mind Control, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 1, 2023 – “Be Steadfast, Immovable”

So many Jehovah’s Witnesses just sit in the kingdom hall hearing the talks and comments from others without really paying attention or thinking about what is going on right before their very eyes and ears! In this video I expose … Continue reading

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Interpretation, faithful discreet slave, Hypocrisy, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Exciting News About Jehovah’s Witnesses Waking Up!

This is a very brief report about some Jehovah’s Witnesses who are now awake and are free from the Watchtower!

Posted in Baptism, Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – September 17, 2023 – Are You Ready for the Great Tribulation?

In this video I expose a number of different ways the organization manipulates its doctrines (and members) to suit the immediate needs of the organization and its governing body leadership.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Freedom, Mind Control, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – August 20, 2023 – Elders – Learn From Gideon’s Example

In this video we see even more of a push from the organization in trying to make the Jehovah’s Witnesses obey the elders.

Posted in Elders, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body,, Mind Control, obedience, Propaganda, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – August 13, 2023 – You Can Reach Your Spiritual Goals

In this video I reveal how the organization, particularly in this Watchtower article, uses corporate marketing terms and corporate “big business” thinking when dealing with Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Jehovah, Jesus, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Organization, Propaganda, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – August 6, 2023 – Keep “the Flame of Jah” Alive

In this video we once again take a closer look at how the Watchtower uses loaded and veiled language in their articles. I also share what has helped me and some others to cope with and to witness to a … Continue reading

Posted in Apostasy, marriage, Organization, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – July 23, 2023 – How Jehovah Answers Our Prayers

In this video I show once again how the organization tries to lower Jesus’ position.

Posted in Channel of truth, Governing Body, Mind Control, Son of God, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – May 20, 2023 – Vindicating Jehovah’s Name

The Watchtower organization often writes and speaks about the “vindication of Jehovah’s name”. What does the Bible have to say about the vindication of Jehovah’s name? You may be surprised by the answer.

Posted in Daily Text, Jehovah, Organization, Prayer, Son of God, Understanding the Bible, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – April 2, 2023 – “The Love the Christ Has Compels Us”

In this Watchtower review we will see that the writers of the Watchtower are not consistent with what the Watchtower actually teaches, showing that they don’t understand what they are writing.

Posted in anointed, Jesus, Love, Mediator, Memorial, Organization, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – January 22, 2023 – Let Nothing Separate You From Jehovah

The leaders of the Watchtower organization, otherwise known as, seem to be more and more focused on following the organization rather than following Jesus. The Watchtower study article for January 22, 2023 proves to be crystal clear evidence of … Continue reading

Posted in Channel of truth, disfellowship, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, Hypocrisy,, Organization, Propaganda, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

2023 Governing Body Update #1 – “Exciting” Announcement!

In this video we will review the 2023 governing body update #1 and take an honest look at the information which was presented by governing body member Mark Sanderson. This analysis will reveal a number of ways the governing body … Continue reading

Posted in Governing Body, Hypocrisy,, Mind Control, Organization, Propaganda, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – January 6, 2023 – Let Each One Of You Be Baptized

In this video we will once again expose how the Watchtower goes way beyond what the Bible teaches and misdirects people to Watchtower doctrines rather than what the Bible teaches.

Posted in Baptism, Daily Text, Governing Body, Jehovah, Jesus, Mind Control, Propaganda, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment