I was baptized as a Jehovah's Witness (JW) along with my wife in May of 1996. I progressed very quickly through the ranks of the JW organization becoming a Ministerial servant (Deacon) then an elder which in the JW organization is equivalent to a Pastor in many other churches. I received an official certificate of Ordination from the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society in May of 2004. This is something which most JW's never actually receive, including the elders. (At that time I think any JW could ask for the ordination confirmation paper)
Because of my zeal for the ministry and Bible study, I had the privilege of being used extensively. I was a Ministry School Overseer, Service Overseer & Book study Overseer simultaneously. I gave many talks (sermons) throughout Virginia, West Virginia and a couple in North Carolina. I also gave talks at large assemblies and spent many hours each month in the door to door ministry. I have served on several Judicial appeals committees. I resigned as an elder and immediately stopped going to the meetings in the Spring of 2006. As of November 2009 I am no longer associated with the JW's.
I truly love and respect many in the JW organization. For this reason, I DO NOT and WILL NOT slander my Christian JW brothers. While I believe that they are misled in several areas, I also believe they are serving God and Jesus with a sincere heart. (Acts 17:30)
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