Category Archives: Baptism

Watchtower Study – June 16, 2024 – “Press On to Maturity”

In this video I reveal a number of major issues and some misleading doctrines of the Watchtower. I also show how the organization is designed to keep you from being “spiritually mature”.

Posted in Apostasy, Baptism, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Hypocrisy,, Mind Control, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – June 9, 2024 – Find Comfort in Jehovah’s Approval

The Watchtower is extremely manipulative and this causes much depression and unstable thinking for many Jehovah’s Witnesses. I will openly expose these points and tactics in this video review of the Watchtower.

Posted in Baptism, Channel of truth, Governing Body, Jesus, Mind Control, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – May 12, 2024 – Are You Ready to Dedicate Yourself to Jehovah?

In this video I will show how the organization (governing body) misuses the word “dedicate” and how they want all of the glory for themselves and take the emphasis off of our Lord and Savior Jesus.

Posted in Baptism, Channel of truth,, Mind Control, Organization, Understanding the Bible, Young ones | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – Sunday February 11, 2024 – Baptism… is… now saving you

In this video we contrast the Watchtower’s view of being baptized to what the Bible says.

Posted in Baptism, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Governing Body, Minisrty, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – November 19, 2023 – Young Ones—How Will Your Life Turn Out?

In this video we will see how the organization manipulates the Jehovah’s Witness children in subtle ways, even adding thoughts to the Bible which are not in the verses cited.

Posted in Apostasy, Baptism, Channel of truth, Mind Control, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Exciting News About Jehovah’s Witnesses Waking Up!

This is a very brief report about some Jehovah’s Witnesses who are now awake and are free from the Watchtower!

Posted in Baptism, Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – January 6, 2023 – Let Each One Of You Be Baptized

In this video we will once again expose how the Watchtower goes way beyond what the Bible teaches and misdirects people to Watchtower doctrines rather than what the Bible teaches.

Posted in Baptism, Daily Text, Governing Body, Jehovah, Jesus, Mind Control, Propaganda, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily 12/3/2021 – I Used To Think, Speak and Reason as a Child

In this video we will consider the daily text from a different vantage point than the topic which is considered within the text.

Posted in Baptism, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Organization, Propaganda, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower | Leave a comment

A Jehovah’s Witness Asks, “Is My JW Baptism Valid?”

Recently a Jehovah’s Witness emailed and asked me about the Watchtower baptismal vow as compared to what the Bible says at Matthew 28:19. In this video we will study to see what may be surprising not only to the Jehovah’s … Continue reading

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