Category Archives: Bible Prophecy

Watchtower Study – July 21, 2024 – What Do We Know About Jehovah’s Future Judgments?

In this video we will see how the Watchtower actually believes and illustrates that JW’s will be teaching prophets of old about the Bible.

Posted in Bible Prophecy, Channel of truth, Education,, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – July 7, 2024 – Never Leave the Spiritual Paradise

In this video we will see how the Watchtower adds to the Bible and strongly indoctrinates Jehovah’s Witnesses away from Jesus and pushes them toward the organization.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy,, Mind Control, New World Translation, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 22, 2023 – Learn From Bible Prophecy

In this informal video we will see how the organization keeps promoting itself and how they subtly suggest that they are the prophet God is using today.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, end of world, God's Prophet,, Mind Control, Prophecy, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – November 27, 2022 – (NEW LIGHT) – Is Your Name In The Book Of Life?

This Watchtower article has what Jehovah’s Witnesses consider, “new light”! In this video we will examine only a couple of the many problems with this study article.

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, Governing Body, Mind Control, New light, New Scrolls, Organization, Propaganda, Resurrection, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – September 25, 2022 – An Ancient Prophecy That Affects You

As with a number of Bible prophecies, the Watchtower has made up its own private interpretation of Genesis 3:15 in spite of the warning given in 2 Peter 1:20-21 against doing such. In this video I will show a lecture … Continue reading

Posted in Adam & Eve, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, Jesus, Prophecy, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

A Special Message From The 2021 Annual Meeting

In this video we will listen to Mark Sanderson’s closing words and warning message to Jehovah’s Witnesses at the conclusion of the 2021 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Prophecy, Channel of truth, Education, end of this system, end of world, faithful discreet slave, Governing Body, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, obedience, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – November 2, 2021 – They Will Gather His Chosen Ones Together

In this video we will see how the governing body conditions the rank and file Jehovah’s Witnesses through repetition of false doctrines and adding words which are not in cited Bible texts.

Posted in anointed, Apostasy, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, Governing Body,, Memorial, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment

2021 Annual Meeting Talk, “I Will Never Abandon You”

This is a closer look at a talk given by governing body member Samuel Herd during the 2021 annual meeting of Jehovah’s Witnesses. This talk is entitled, “I Will Never Abandon You”.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, brighter light, Channel of truth, end of this system, end of world, Governing Body, governing body update,, Mind Control, New light, Organization, Resurrection, Return of Jesus, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – 7 21, 2021 – This Is What The Sovereign Lord Jehovah Says.

In this video I give an overview and “decoding” of the Watchtower lingo used in the July 21, 2021 “Examining The Scriptures Daily”, otherwise known to Jehovah’s Witnesses as the daily text.

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Prophecy, Channel of truth, Daily Text, Governing Body,, Mind Control, neutrality, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – Revelation’s 1000 Years, What Really Happens? (Part 6 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

What does the Bible say about the end of the world? Does Jesus literally come back? What happens before, during and after the 1000 years mentioned in Revelation? This presentation will show what the Bible says about these things and … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, end of world, Resurrection, Return of Jesus, Son of God, The truth, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – Is The USA In Bible Prophecy? (Part 5 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

The United States of America is one of the most prominent, powerful and influential nations in the world today. Although the Watchtower organization tries to minimize this fact, the truth is that the USA was founded upon Protestant Christian principals. … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, end of this system, end of world, The truth, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – 666 And The Mark of the Beast! (Part 4 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses, (otherwise known as “the faithful and discreet slave”) have their own private interpretation of Bible prophecy regarding the beast of Revelation chapter 13 and the number 666. The Bible warns us about doing this! … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, Jesus, The truth, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible, Witnessing | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – Who Is The Antichrist? (Part 3 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

There are many opinions about the identity of the Antichrist. The Watchtower organization is no stranger to leading Jehovah’s Witnesses to false predictions and the misapplication of Bible prophecies. In this presentation I will show from the Bible, 9 identifying … Continue reading

Posted in Apostasy, Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, end of world, The truth, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – Intending To Change Times And Law (Part 2 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

In this video I share the topic that caused me to “wake up” from the JW organization. Most Christians (JW’s included) minimize and even disregard this subject, but I will show from the Bible why this is so important. This … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, Commandments, Letter to Governing Body, Sabbath, The truth, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Bible vs Watchtower – Understanding The Image In Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream (Part 1 of 6 Bible Prophecy)

Is the Bible inspired by God? This is part 1 of a 6 part series. Are its prophecies true and accurate? Because of the Watchtower’s inaccurate interpretation of Bible prophecy, and for other reasons as well, quite a few ex-JW’s … Continue reading

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Bible Prophecy, Understanding the Bible, Witnessing | Tagged , , | Leave a comment