Category Archives: Freedom

What Does Have To Offer?

A viewer sent me a question with some bold statements about boasting about things the organization has to offer which nobody else can match. Is this true? In this video I answer his statements and question point by point.

Posted in Channel of truth, Freedom, Hypocrisy,, Mind Control, New World Translation, shunning, video, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – March 15, 2024 – A righteous man’s supplication has a powerful effect

In this daily text we continue to see the inward, self serving attitude of the Jehovah’s Witness organization.

Posted in Daily Text, Freedom,, Prayer, The truth | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – February 25, 2024 – Young Sisters​—Become Mature Christian Women

In this video we once again see the hypocrisy and self serving nature of the leaders and writers of the Watchtower magazines.

Posted in Freedom, marriage, Mind Control, obedience, Organization, Watchtower, Young ones | Leave a comment

Breaking News! – Governing body now approves of beards!

This is an update on the beard policy of the governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Bible Interpretation, Breaking news, brighter light, Channel of truth, Elders, faithful discreet slave, Freedom, JW broadcasting,, New light, Uncategorized, video, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – November 12, 2023 – Rely on Jehovah, as Samson Did

In this video we see how the Watchtower places the organization in the place of Jehovah.

Posted in Channel of truth, Elders, faithful discreet slave, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 8, 2023 – Imitate Jehovah​—Be Reasonable

The governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses through the pages of the Watchtower tells the Jehovah’s Witnesses to be reasonable. In this video we take a look to see if the organization, (aka governing body) is living up to what they … Continue reading

Posted in Channel of truth, end of this system, Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus,, Mind Control, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Exciting News About Jehovah’s Witnesses Waking Up!

This is a very brief report about some Jehovah’s Witnesses who are now awake and are free from the Watchtower!

Posted in Baptism, Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – September 17, 2023 – Are You Ready for the Great Tribulation?

In this video I expose a number of different ways the organization manipulates its doctrines (and members) to suit the immediate needs of the organization and its governing body leadership.

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Channel of truth, Freedom, Mind Control, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Keep Ready For Jehovah’s Day

In this video we will see how the Watchtower writers subtly manipulate the rank and file Jehovah’s Witnesses yet, the majority of the rank and file cannot see this happening. Below is the link to the spiritual armor video I … Continue reading

Posted in Channel of truth, end of world, Freedom, Mind Control, neutrality, Organization, Uncategorized, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Excerpts From Examining the Scriptures Daily – April 30 – May 6, 2023

In this video I combine an overview the daily texts from April 30 – May 6, 2023 to reveal a common theme for the week.

Posted in Channel of truth, faithful discreet slave, Freedom, Governing Body, Mind Control | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study Overview – April 30, 2023 – Cherish God’s Gift of Life

In this video I show how obvious it is that is dumbing things down more than ever before.

Posted in Freedom, Hypocrisy, Mind Control, Organization, Propaganda, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Jehovah Is Helping You to Succeed – But Watchtower Doctrine Is Robbing You!

In this video I focus on just one phrase in the Watchtower study article for March 19, 2023 entitled, “Jehovah Is Helping You To Succeed”. This video will point out how the Watchtower organization robs the rank and file JW … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, Channel of truth, Freedom, kingdom of God, Mind Control, Organization, Understanding the Bible | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – March 12, 2023 – Be Transformed By Making Your Mind Over

In this video I am specifically addressing young Jehovah’s Witnesses that have JW parents who want them to serve the organization. This video is particularly for those who are torn between getting an education and pursuing a successful job and/or … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Freedom, Hypocrisy, Mind Control, Minisrty, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – December 11, 2022 – You Can Find True Happiness

This video contains a brief overview of the Watchtower study for December 11, 2022. We also examine another New World Translation change to a Scripture quoted in this article.

Posted in Channel of truth, Commandments, Freedom, Governing Body, JW broadcasting,, Mind Control, Organization, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – October 16, 2022 – Jehovah Watches Over His People

In this video we once again show the indoctrination process the Watchtower uses to keep the focus off of our Lord Jesus, yet they continue to push the JW to follow the organization and the self appointed, “faithful and discreet … Continue reading

Posted in Channel of truth, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Organization, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – September 18, 2022 – Support Our Overseer Jesus

In this video we will examine the July 2022 Watchtower study article and observe how the organization takes pains to elevate the “faithful slave” while reducing Jesus to the position of “overseer”.

Posted in Channel of truth, faithful discreet slave, Freedom, Governing Body, Jesus,, Mind Control, Organization, Uncategorized, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Watchtower Study – August 21, 2022 – Jehovah Blesses Those Who Forgive

The vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses truly believe that they must confess their, “serious sins” to the elders in the congregation in order to be forgiven of sins. In this video we will compare what the Watchtower teaches about confessing … Continue reading

Posted in anointed, Bible Interpretation, Confession, Elders, Freedom,, Mind Control, Organization, Understanding the Bible, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Examining The Scriptures Daily – April 2, 2022 – View The Fields, That They Are White For Harvesting

In this video we analyze why the governing body’s view of the preaching work is distorted according to their own teachings.

Posted in Daily Text, end of world, Freedom, Hypocrisy, Jesus, Minisrty, Uncategorized, Witnessing | Leave a comment

2022 Governing Body Update #2

This is an overview of the 2022 Governing Body update #2 for Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Channel of truth, Freedom, Governing Body, Hypocrisy, JW broadcasting,, Organization, Propaganda, Watchtower | Leave a comment

Organizational Peer Pressure, Does It Affect You?

Within the Jehovah’s Witness organization there is tremendous pressure to follow along with the “arrangement” no matter what. In this video I share a personal testimony which occurred early in my service as a Ministerial Servant. This event had a … Continue reading

Posted in Confession, disfellowship, Elders, Freedom, Mind Control, obedience, Organization, Prayer, shunning | Leave a comment

Analyzing The 2021 Governing Body Update #7

In this video I will once again expose the loaded language while revealing how the governing body is pushing their own agenda upon Jehovah’s Witnesses.

Posted in Apostasy, Channel of truth, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mediator, Mind Control, neutrality, Organization, Propaganda, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

A Little Encouragement!

When Jehovah’s Witnesses realize that they do not have “the truth” many feel as though they have thrown away the best years of their life. In this video I share a small portion of my personal experience and try to … Continue reading

Posted in Freedom, Jehovah, Jesus,, Mind Control, Uncategorized, Witnessing | Leave a comment

The United States Government and the Door to Door Work

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the end of this system of things is imminent. Yet, from March of 2020 until the time of this video, the door to door preaching work has ceased. In this video I suggest an effective way … Continue reading

Posted in end of world, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mind Control, neutrality, Organization, Uncategorized, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

Does “The Truth” Set Jehovah’s Witnesses Free?

What is your freedom worth to you? In this video I share a few of my personal thoughts about this topic. I also contrast Jesus’ words to what Jehovah’s Witnesses have been taught and/or told to think.

Posted in Channel of truth, death, Freedom, Governing Body,, Mind Control, Organization, shunning, The truth, Watchtower, Witnessing | Leave a comment

The Watchtower and the Spirit of the Truth?

The Watchtower’s Insight book defines the Biblical phrase, “the spirit of the truth.” How does this compare to what the modern day governing body of Jehovah’s Witnesses know and understand when considering their ever changing doctrines?

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